Delivery AMS-Moscow of imported goods from Colombia, Kenya, Ecuador, and Israel with pricing based on actual weight.
Daily loading
Transit document processing for imports.
Temperature control at all stages.
Cost calculation and pre-cooling payment based on actual weight.
Daily delivery from Amsterdam to your region in optimal timeframes.
FOREVER GROUP company ensures international delivery of your floral products with the highest professionalism, in reasonable timeframes, and at justified prices.
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Contact Information
All our employees are true professionals with extensive experience.
Moscow Office
Multichannel number, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Nizhny Novgorod Branch
Branch Manager: +7 953 574-33-71
Head of Sales Group +79535746114
Ecuador Representative
Krasnodar, Volgograd, Rostov
Sales Group Manager
Warehouse Address: Domodedovo, Kolychyovo-Zherebyatyevo Territory, Building 1
Our Partners
Client Reviews
"I have been working with FOREVER GROUP for many years. Over the years, there have been no complaints. Their shipments are always organized professionally, and the cargo arrives on time."
Maria Vasilyeva
“Flower Fantasies”
"It was a pleasure working with this company. The shipment from the Netherlands to Nizhny Novgorod arrived intact and safe. The staff is polite and always available."
Vyacheslav Solovyov
“Flowers of the Provinces”
Moscow Region, Domodedovo. Kolychyovo-Zherebyatyevo Territory, Building 1